Chilled Watermelon Curry Soup

As summer is drawing to a close on the calendar, I’m eagerly awaiting the fall weather. Unfortunately, it seems we’ll have to wait a while. The temperatures here lately have been in the 90s and humid.

This soup brings together my love for curries and my need for light, refreshing meal options that the whole family will enjoy. (Yes! Otto loves it, too. He’s such an adventurous eater.) It’s sweet and spicy, bright and (oddly) thirst quenching. Admittedly, it eats a little more like an appetizer than a main course; that said, you could easily serve it for lunch or dinner. Enjoy!

Spinach Tomato Salad with Creamy Greek Dressing

Brent brought home two packages of Campari tomatoes from Costco last weekend. We planned to use some in one meal but Brent bought more than needed because we both enjoy eating Campari tomatoes as a snack (yes, sometimes I eat them like small apples). That said, we somehow managed to get through the week without eating most of them. So, this weekend, I asked Brent to make a salad with them to serve along side burgers when we had friends for lunch on Saturday.

The salad he crafted is simple but packed with great flavor. It’s light and refreshing, but the meaty-ness of the Campari tomatoes makes it very satiating. It was so good, I had him make again on Sunday so I could eat it again. You can serve it as a side or mix in a protein (such as shredded chicken) to make it an entree in and of itself. The salad will be tasty right away, but letting it rest a while in the fridge helps the flavors meld and develop. We hope you enjoy this salad as much as our friends and we did!

Creamy Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Sauté

Creamy Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Sauté Recipe [paleo, primal, gluten-free, keto]

This week Heather is out of town for a business trip, so Otto and I are having a bachelor week. We’re super fortunate to have the support of our neighbors and community to help me with Otto’s drop off and pick up to daycare while Heather is away. Additionally, Heather and I did a lot in advance of her trip to keep this week low stress. One of those things was this recipe.

Otto, for some wonderful reason, loves umami flavors and is fairly indifferent to sweets. This recipe was a big hit with him, and he actually liked better as is than when we blended it up into a chunky puree for him. Regardless of how you take your solids, we know you’ll love this dish. It goes great with a big piece of steak or on its own.

Avocado, Beet and Strawberry Smoothie

While perusing the aisles at Costco this past weekend, something new caught our eye: Love Beets Beet Powder. Generally speaking, we prefer to get the actual fruit or vegetable—not a dried, powdered or concentrated version of it. But, we’re always open to trying new things. Plus, if this powder works well in variety of food options (as it claims to), it might allow us to get the benefits of eating beets when they are out-of-season and hard to find in the grocery store.

So, we bought it and our first experiment was to make a smoothie using it as well as frozen avocado chunks (also from Costco!). Good news? It totally worked. Even better news? This smoothie isn’t overly sweet and could easily be enjoyed as a breakfast, snack, or dessert. Best news? Otto loved it! We hope you will, too.

Spiced Mango Strawberry Banana Ice Cream

We have been hosting a lot of family and friends lately to celebrate Otto’s first birthday, the start of summer, and the first birthdays of Otto’s little baby buddies. For the most recent barbecue, I wanted to serve a fruity adult beverage.

Instead of buying a pre-mix that would be loaded with added sugar or preservatives, we bought a bag of frozen fruit at Costco: Organic Mangolicious Blend by Nature’s Touch. Of course, we didn’t use the entire bag for the frozen drink, and the next day I was craving ice cream. We didn’t have any on hand so I made my own using the frozen fruit!

This recipe is so simple but I think the flavors are pretty fantastic. I hope you will agree!